Sunday, April 29, 2012

The following images are from Autumn's 3 1/2 year photoshoot, which I took on 4.28.12

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

The two that make my world go 'round.
Autumn Elaine Patterson 12-08-2008 [5lbs, 11oz, 19 inches long]
Lucas Alan Patterson 12-16-2009 [7lbs, 14oz, 20 inches long]

I have started blogs before, and never updated them. I have to. I have to record the memories that I cherish. I don't ever want to forget these times. They are growing up right before my eyes. And too quickly, if ya ask me (and every other mom out there).  So here I am... a new blog, a new day.  

Some Autumn-isms from this week: 

*Autumn, walking out of my bathroom, through my bedroom, undressing, leaving a trail of clothes...*
Mommy: Autumn, why did you take your clothes off?
Autumn: Because I am not cold. (Mommy thoughts: Okay, then... logic of a 3 year old). 

Autumn: But Mommy, I soooooooo tired (*In response to me asking her to anything she does not want to do*)

Mommy: Autumn, I want you to know I love you soooo much, and you are my very best friend. 
Autumn: *lays her head on my shoulder and squeezes me tight* Ohh, that makes me soooo happy. 


Just had to share those. She can be so darn sweet. 

I cut Lucas' hair last night. I am so sick of paying to get his hair cut, only to realize it has been cut unevenly. Then... It grows OUT uneven. Not good. So I am just doing it myself now. And guess what? I am pretty darn good at it, and better yet, it is free! :-) 

I am so proud of Lucas. He is so smart. He catches on so quick. Usually, if you show him how to do something just once, he has it! He also knows ALL of his letters. He gets stuck sometimes on letters that look the same (example: K, X, V, Y). But for the most part, he's just got it down. I test him randomly all the time. Now we are working on numbers since he is so good with his letters. He is still obsessed with cars, and often hoards them, lol. He is definitely in the 2 year old phase of "If I had it, its mine. If its in my hands, its mine. If it looks like mine, its mine. If I think it's mine, it's mine...." Gotta love it! 

Thats all I have for today! :-) I will post pictures soon!